Bäckerei in der Innenstadt

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun


Bäckerei Uptown

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun


What is therapycoaching?

  • it is coaching - but with therapeutic competence and security in the background
  • it adapts to your evolving needs along the way, temporarily offering therapeutic interventions if this is helpful.
  • it changes to psychotherapy if psychotherapy is needed.    

The goal

With therapycoaching you work through the origins of your issues. This will enable you to set out anew - freer, with regained resources and in accordance with your Self.

The process

A psychodynamic perspective will guide us to a common understanding of you as a person and of your issues. In contrast to other forms of coaching and psychotherapy it places central importance also on the conscious and unconscious feelings that accompany the issues. For the feelings lead us to the origins. On the basis of this understanding we will work on the change you wish to achieve by applying a broad range of tools and techniques drawing also from other fields of coaching and therapy. (See principles for a more in-depth explanation of my approach).

We will apply therapycoaching for example in situations where

  • you would like to work on certain issues that seem to limit your personal growth, or you feel stuck or are languishing
  • You would like to be accompanied for a time in your personal growth as a leader or parent or partner -  and get to know yourself better in the process.
  • You would like to grow your resilience, or prevent burnout - or deal with it
  • You are at a crossroads in your career or private life, struggling with a difficult decision
  • you want to analyse and resolve longstanding professional or private problems, conflicts, difficult relationships.
  • you want to deal with procrastination or repeated failures of relationships or jobs
  • You are in a deep crisis of your life. Something unexpected has happened. An illness, a loss of a relationship, of a dear person, of a hope, of a self-image, of life as you knew it.

therapycoaching - psychotherapy

In therapy mode we apply the same principles and processes as in therapycoaching but in a more profound way. We will endeavour to tell the story of how your soul used to try to adapt to stressful circumstances in order to survive them as unscathed as possible. And how this strategy no longer fits into your world today and therefore causes you the difficulties you suffer from. We will apply more illness and symptom specific techniques. The goal is for you to free yourself from what is limiting you inside so you can set out again on your journey and live your life as the one you really are.

We will apply a predominantly therapeutic approach for example in the following situations

  • you suffer from traumatic experiences in your childhood or adult life, with memories haunting you day and night
  • you find yourself repeatedly in the same type of non-functional relationship or you cannot seem to find the right partner
  • You have symptoms in your body that have no treatable cause from a medical point of view, or you suffer from hypochondria.
  • You have compulsions.
  • you have difficulties to free yourself from old expectations, demands, rules, or automatic patterns that limit your way of experiencing and behaving.
  • You are in a deep crisis of your life. Life as you knew it has changed and this is accompanied by psychological symptoms
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